Designed for long life and durability, we guarantee all products for a life lived outdoors

Our Stratus Signature Guarantee includes a 3 year warranty plus lifetime repair service on all products*.

3 Year Warranty
At Stratus Outdoors all of our products are designed to last generations. We only use the strongest sustainable materials that can handle the harsh conditions of Australia. If during your adventures you find that our products aren’t performing to the standard we expect, please let us know. 

Repair Service
We understand that no matter how durable we make our products, there may still be the need for repair. A rogue ember from a campfire, gear falling off the back of the truck or just the natural wear and tear of the product. Together we want to encourage a community of product owners, over product consumers, so we have created pathways to assist in the repair of your gear.

If your well loved gear is beyond repair, we may suggest adding the product to our AFTERLIFE program.

*See here for the Stratus Signature Guarantee full terms of service.

Making a Warranty or Repair Claim
To commence a warranty or repair claim; or suggest your product for the Afterlife program, please complete THIS FORM

A member of the Stratus Outdoors team will then be in touch to discuss the next steps toward a resolution of happy campers.


All products are recycled or repurposed for positive impact at end-of-life.

If your product has been deemed beyond repair after submitting a warranty claim, you can still return your pre-loved Stratus gear for us to recycle, re-use and repurpose as we work towards an entirely closed loop model of business.

In return, you will receive up to 20% (depending on the item) off the purchase price of your next Stratus Outdoors product for replacement. We will be recycling your old goods and repurposing them into new products.

Keep an eye out, you will be the first to know what we have transformed your goods into!